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We help organisations develop capability and skills in their people to be collaborative, resilient and well.  

Wellbeing Works provides learning solutions for organisations - to amplify the best in individuals, build highly effective and collaborative teams and provide strategies for organisations to build resiliency and wellbeing skills in their people so that they feel good and perform at their peak.


Services are provided to:

  • reduce workplace stress and negativity and increase optimism and wellbeing

  • enhance employee engagement using strength-based approaches

  • navigate change using agile mindsets

  • optimise team performance through collaborative practices



Programs, workshops or presentations  – ideal for group learning. Come away with tools and techniques to implement back at work.



Supporting you to find solutions to address a specific challenge or opportunity. We can  create a solution with you. Make the most of our expertise!

Executive Coaching


For specific strength-based coaching to achieve positive change. Coaching packages available.

We offer programs that provide practical techniques that promote employee wellbeing, build resiliency skills and cultivate collaboration at work.


We have a range of delivery modes to suit your specific need:


  1. Presentation - 60 mins - Overview or Introduction.

  2. Training program - 3 x 3-hour sessions - Build skills over time and embed into workplace practices for sustainable change.

  3. Coaching - Packages available - For specific development strength-based coaching to achieve positive change.

  4. Consulting - Customised solutions - Supporting you to find solutions to address a specific challenge or opportunity.


Details about Wellbeing Works programs for individuals, teams and leaders can be found here.

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