Frequently Asked Questions
These FAQs help you find out more about our services and how we put positive psychology practices to work to help individuals, teams and organisation thrive. No matter where you are on your journey to find ways to create positive change for yourself, your group or your organisation, we can work with you to boost individual wellbeing and resiliency, cultivate collaborative teams and build positive workplaces through positive organisational leadership.
01 What is wellbeing?
Quite simply, it is the ability to feel good and function well so you perform at your best. The science of wellbeing, or positive psychology, is the study of what constitutes excellence in individuals, workplaces and communities. Professor Felicia Huppert, a wellbeing researcher, says psychological wellbeing is the opposite of ill-being and features of wellbeing include: positive emotion, engagement, relationships, meaning, accomplishment, resilience, emotional stability, vitality, optimism and self-esteem. Martin Seligman describes wellbeing as having five pillars (PERMA) that you need to work on improving – positive emotions, engagement, relationships, meaning and purpose and accomplishment. As a positive psychology practitioner, I translate this wellbeing research and provide clients with tools, practices and activities to implement at work for greater optimism, engagement, team collaboration and positive change.
Read more about wellbeing in this blog
02 How do I improve my wellbeing?
There are many strategies and practices you can do that have been found to improve your wellbeing. My IMPROVE your Wellbeing program, provides tools and activities to implement at work, based on the PERMA wellbeing model. If you wish to focus on building positive relations in teams to help employees learn faster, be more innovative and collaborative to produce business outcomes, then the Cultivating Collaboration program is for you. Our services and programs provide solutions to boost your wellbeing and build resiliency skills so individuals, teams and leaders can perform at their best. Find out more about my workshops and programs click here.
03 I'm not sure what program best fits my need?
'There is no ‘one-size fits all’ solution to enhance the wellbeing and resiliency of your employees. It is important to make sure the solution you choose, supports the capability uplift required to achieve your intended outcomes. You can read more about individual programs here [Programs page link] or reduce your stress, and let us sort it out for you. If you want assistance in determining the best solution that meets your need, then get in touch so we can provide advice on the best fit.
04 How do I make a booking?
Just fill out the booking form, and we’ll get in touch to sort out the details and put a plan into action.
05 How do I keep in touch about latest News and Events?
Simply subscribe to stay in touch to find out latest happenings by subscribing or connect via social media
06 I want to improve teamwork and team culture. What do you recommend?
Effective teams need to build trusting and supportive relationships and connect well. Each interaction counts so its important to cultivate high-quality connections with others at work - interactions that are energising and uplifting that propel us to take action and get things done. The Cultivating Collaboration program teaches participants skills to develop high-quality connections (HQCs) that energise and enable them to perform well and succeed. These skills can be immediately implemented at work to build HQCs. You can also join our online HQC community of practice – HQCCoP, where you can learn best practice tips, tools and ways to make HQCs a reality at work, from a community who are passionate about building positive relationships at work.
07 What are your most popular programs?
The program is one of our most popular programs. Leaders seeking to build high performing teams, with greater cohesion, connection, growth and innovation, find this program has a positive impact on the team culture and performance.
Improve your Wellbeing™ is popular for workplaces wanting to give their people, evidence-based ways to feel good and function effectively at work. It provides a simple wellbeing language (using Seligman’s PERMA framework as a guide) and teaches practices that help build capability to control your own wellbeing. These practices can be put into action immediately to reduce stress, build resiliency and cultivate healthy wellbeing habits.
Leaders who wish to tackle negativity and disengagement at work, and create a positive work climate, seek out the or Executive Coaching packages.
Those looking for solutions to help people who are struggling with work stressors, uncertainty, ongoing change, heavy workloads or feeling overwhelmed, seek out the program that teaches techniques for managing stressors and challenges in the workplace.
Check out our programs listing
08 Do you give presentations to groups?
Yes, giving presentations to groups is one of our services. We introduce the research in a simple language and provide practical strategies that can be applied at work. The presentation can be tailored to your audience and is a perfect taster for organisations or professional groups to discover how the science of positive psychology can be used to make a positive difference to people and business performance.